Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Denied Social Security Will You Be Denied Social Security For A Total Disability If You Have Savings In Your Account?

Will you be denied social security for a total disability if you have savings in your account? - denied social security

Another way to ask whether a person can save Social Security before a person with a disability to accept and exploit a monthly payment? This is, of course, if the person has no income disability insurance or any other form of compensation for workers.


Sun and Sand said...

Save nothing to do with disability. It's incapacity, what your earnings before the work stoppage on. However, the disability pension is taxed if you own income or assets above a certain value.

Be patient while going through the process. They took my wife of 3 years and a lawyer.

Karen said...

Very likely.

lectric lady said...

not) on SSDI (disability, social security income if the savings and employment and income
be recorded (Supplemental Security Income)

MH/Citizens Protecting Rights! said...

In general, all social boundaries of programs relating to the assets a person can have. Down shifting before benefits must be paid. I suggest you talk with a trusted lawyer who is familiar with the social programs, and you can, how to protect your assets, advise. This will often require that the property, but not necessarily profits. This is a complicated issue, and make sure that is what you are doing is legal.

Citizens who have paid their taxes, the right, in my opinion, their assets and social security benefits or workers' comp or disability, to preserve who have paid for years. If you provide benefits for illegal immigrants and criminals, the requirements of equal treatment as a law-abiding citizens who do their best for the country and the countries that have contributed to our body and should have given their taxes otherwise be able to say what they have achieved and help if needed.

Mike said...

Depending on the amount of SS benefits may be different.

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