Sunday, January 17, 2010

Remove Graffiti From Car What Is The Punishment I Could Recieve For Graffiti In OR, HELP!?

What is the punishment i could recieve for Graffiti In OR, HELP!? - remove graffiti from car

I have a small amound graffiti on a parking lot and gave a report on two Crimnal Mischief II, a misdimeanour I am 17 and have been assigned to the yard, I took the graffiti itself before trial or the other I can say what might or my Punishme fine? Thanks


Pauline said...


Nunoyvgvna Awi said...

because they are cleaned before going to court ..... Cleaning photograph proves to the judges. themselves as a man after the event that you and rose from his responsibility and clean. probably very easy for you to show the promise of a mature adult, but as a child was trapped for a while.

At best, I will give a fine, certainly more than 100 if at all. They could only hold a lecture and to pay the legal fees of 45.

good job in cleaning it up in court .... do not show maturity.

nostrada... said...

the best thing we can do to prove is that you know that you were wrong and make changes in your life, that this behavior will change.

the judge believes that you have learned the lesson and no danger to anyone.

The best way to do this by going to do a sort of therapy or meetings - I am serious with you here.

others think it makes no sense, and overkill - chances are they have never been his reputation and threatens the long-term record than they do now.

also talk to a lawyer - most will give you a free consultation for an hour.

If it costs money, borrow and / or save money and rent.

a good lawyer greatly increases their chances for a favorable outcome.

Judges know only to try something, before the cases can get to see the difference in the world - to a lawyer familiar with the courthouse rent, he was sentenced

Hope this helps ...

JAMES H said...

It depends on the amount of damage caused by graffiti. This is based on the dollar amount of damages. My suggestion is that his efforts to portray a lawyer and get the advice of legal work.

tohelpyo... said...

under 18 years receive 500 hours of work in a nursing home in bed for the rights of bread ... Then I washed the dishes, pans, where seniors go .... Toilet in a kind of large washing machine ...
That sucks ... to go but better than school reform!

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