Friday, February 5, 2010

Receding Gums, Crest White Strips Crest White Strips Causing Gums To Recede?

Crest white strips causing gums to recede? - receding gums, crest white strips

My gums and teeth have always been good other than they are yellow from nicotine and caffeine. I have the white stripes, four days ago. The second day, gums, more than two of my teeth back, along with inflammation of the gums, pain, my gums, the whites, and when I discovered today, a section of a blister on my gum. As you can imagine, this is very painful and embarrassing. Has it happened to someone? What can I do to fix it?


Anonymous said...

They seem to have a sensitivity to the formulation. Definitely no longer use them. You can do nothing to repair, in addition to providing a good environment to grow again ... gentle stroking of the region. You can evaluate your dentist, because they had a record of your gums as before.

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